Paranormal Claims
The Old Gila County Jail and Sheriff’s Office in Globe was featured on Ghost Adventures. Built on the site of the original gallows it is allegedly haunted by the spirits of former inmates. Throughout its life there has been numerous inmate suicides and murders within its walls. When the Ghost Adventures crew visited the jail in Season 18, they experienced a plethora of paranormal activity, reinforcing the belief that a powerful entities resides within its walls.
Many people that have visited the jail have witnessed strange things that can’t be explained. Loud bangs and footsteps are often heard on the second floor. Eerie shadowy figures have also been witnessed throughout the building. Visitors have also reported cold spots, unexplained lights, chilling screams and being physically touched. The smell of perfume in the woman’s tank where the prostitute Jenny was incarcerated. Paranormal equipment often picks up unexplained EMF spikes.
Inmate Kingsley Olds, who was awaiting trial for the murder of his employer’s two little girls, was assassinated as he lay in his cell. He supposedly haunts his old cell and apparitions of the murdered girls have been witnessed. Apparitions of a man have been seen on the catwalk that adjoins the jail with the neighboring courthouse. Some believe it is the spirit of an inmate who leaped to his death while heading to trial.
The 1910 Jail & Sheriff’s Office dates to the days of lawlessness in the wild Arizona territory. The physic imprint and energy can be felt inside this building of all who spent their last days accused or convicted of terrible crimes. Over 100 years of grim and bloody history within the walls of this dark location. Spend the night roaming the building and walk down its dark corridors…..if you dare! Maybe you’ll find out what spirits remain, and just what may be waiting for you.